
Welcome To Connection Church

We are a foursquare church that wants to help establish and re-establish connections. Our Connection with God and with people.


service times

Every Sunday @ 10am in redding.

Live Stream also Every Sunday @ 10am


YouTube Streaming

We stream our 10am service live on our youTube channel. if you can't make it in person but still want to connect with us just visit our YouTube Services page on our website or check our our Youtube Channel directly.



upcoming events

April 1st - Membership Class

April 18th - Good Friday

April 20th - Easter Egg Hunt & BBQ

April 27th - Family Movie Night

May 1st - Valor Men's Conference

May 17th - Women's Tea Party


Children's Ministry

we have a Nursery for babies and Sunday School for the rest of the littles grades 0-5th. Bring your kiddos to church!

Visit our Children's Church page for more information.


Social Media